Helping young men and women achieve their physique goals in a natural and sustainable way.

Whether it be to form a healthy lifestyle or the competitive stage, your goal and wellbeing is my number one priority

Online Coaching



I will offer my clients my full knowledge and support across all aspects of health, fitness and nutrition.

I will interact with my clients via the app and by phone at all times possible.





My clients life will be better because they will realise that diets do not have to be boring and that we can remain accountable with variety.

Success Stories

My mission is to help as many young individuals achieve happiness with their body image.

Meet Your Coach

Tyler Smith

I started online coaching after a kidney transplant in 2018. I used this as a challenge and motivation for myself to get back into shape after being off my feet for a while. I did this in a natural and healthy way and want to help young men and women do the same. 

I went from a hospital bed to becoming an IFBB pro men’s physique athlete within 2 years! and I want to help others achieve their goals too. I have been in the fitness industry for 15 years now and really want to share my knowledge and experience with those who want to make a change!

If I can do it, you can do it!